Thursday, August 15, 2024

Knotted Shoelaces


Monday afternoon, I had a problem that took me back sixty-five years.  When I untied my sneakers after cardiac rehab, I got a knot in my shoelaces.  Shoes coming untied was such a problem when I was ten years old.  And shoelaces getting a knot in them was an even a bigger problem.  Shoes usually came untied at a critical moment, like when I was running from first base to second base.  Not a good time to lose a shoe … or to bend down to retie a shoe.  But knotted shoestrings were an even bigger problem at the end of the day when I was tired and trying to take my shoes off to get into bed.  I could put off the knot problem by sliding my foot out of the knotted shoe, but then I had to address the same problem early the next morning (when I was usually late).  Those knotted shoelaces tried my patience … or taught me patience.  I’m not sure which.  Hey, in life, the best plan is to face your problem.  Putting off a problem will not help - it only prolongs the pain.  And usually, it compounds the problem.  Proverbs 10:4, “He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.”  Good advice from Solomon, and good advice for knotted shoelaces.  Work on problems now; don’t put them off until tomorrow.

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