Sunday, September 22, 2013

Proverbs 28:18

Proverbs 28:18  Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved: but he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once. What does walketh uprightly mean? There is an actual meaning, and there is the meaning that Solomon was talking about here in our verse. To walk uprightly is to walk like a human being and not like an animal on all fours. But that isn't really what Solomon is talking about in our proverb for today. The fellow in our picture is not walking very straight up, is he? He looks like he has a problem, doesn't he? Does he look discouraged? Does he look like he just got some bad news? Someone who trusts in God is confident and knows that everything will work out best for him because he is trusting in God. That person doesn't have to go around being discouraged. He is on the right side! The winning side! If you obey God and follow His words you can be confident that God will take care of you. You don't have to be discouraged like the man in our picture. You can be brave and bold because God is going to take care of you! But the fellow who does not follow God's ways - the fellow who does not walk uprightly before God - what does our verse say will happen to him? He will fall at once. He is headed for trouble. He will look like that sad fellow in our picture. Don't be discouraged. Don't fall. Trust in the good Lord! Be confident in God and stand up straight! God will take care of His children. Do you belong to God? If you do, great! If you don't, you should. Be on God's side and you can be happy as you trust in Him to take care of you.

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