Wednesday, October 2, 2024



The current variations of covid are not nearly as dangerous as the original Covid-19.  Some folk think that they have fall allergies, but they actually may have the covid virus.  They show up at work with a runny nose thinking “allergies” while they may be “carriers” of the virus.  And they carry the virus to those who are more vulnerable.  But there is a different “carrier” in the Bible.  In Mark 2 there were four men who carried their crippled friend to Jesus to be healed.  They were the right kind of “carriers.”  When they couldn’t get near Jesus because of the crowd, they didn’t give up.  They went up on the flat roof, tore open a hole, and let down their friend right at the feet of the Savior.  And Jesus looked up through the hole in the roof into the faces of those four friends.  Mark 2:5,9,11, “When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, … Thy sins be forgiven thee, … Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk, … and go thy way into thine house.”  Those men were “carriers.”  They had the faith to carry their friend to Jesus.  Hey, are you a carrier?  Do you know someone who needs to get to Jesus?  Do you have the faith for them?  Just be a “carrier” and get your friend to Jesus.  You both will be glad that you did.

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