Thursday, March 28, 2013

Read Mark 14:17-26 Today is a special day, so we have several verses to read.  This week is known as Passion week or Holy week.  On this week about 2,000 years ago, Jesus came into Jerusalem on Sunday riding on a donkey while all of the people welcomed Him.  They shouted, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"  Less than a week later they would be shouting to the governor to execute Jesus!  Jesus went back and forth every day that week, spending His day in the temple courtyard teaching the people and confronting the proud religious leaders: the priests, Pharisees, and Sadducees.  He spent the night either in the garden of Gethsemane sleeping among the peaceful, old olive trees, or at the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus in Bethany.  But finally, on Thursday evening, the night before He was crucified, Jesus had His final meal with His disciples.  They celebrated the Jewish Passover feast, which was a reminder of when God miraculously delivered Israel from Pharaoh's slavery in Egypt.  At this last supper which Jesus had with His disciples He gave them the examples for the Lord's supper, which Christians continue to celebrate until this day.  Jesus used the broken bread to represent His broken body and the grape juice to represent His blood.  But the disciples didn't get it.  They didn't get that Jesus would soon be executed and buried in the cold, dark tomb.  Jesus also gave them an example of humility as He washed their dusty, dirty feet.  The washing of feet was usually done by the lowest slave ion the household, but thinght Jesus did it Himself just to remind the disciples to be kind and thoughtful to each other.  Later that Thursday night in the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas identified Jesus to the arresting soldiers by his kiss.  What a wicked betrayal if was!  Jesus was then taken to the first of His three fake trials.  This first one was at the palace of High Priest.  While Jesus was on trial inside, Peter was sneaking around on the outside.  He denied that he knew Jesus three times to three different people just before the rooster crowed.  As morning dawned, Jesus was taken to Pilate, the second of His fake trials.  We'll read about Jesus' execution tomorrow.

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