Wednesday, May 1, 2013

At Wheeler Homes Chapter 9

                                  Chapter 9
          “Jessica!” her mother called from downstairs.  “It’s time for supper.”
          Jessica had been lost in her thoughts, but her mother’s call had broken the spell.  “Coming, mother,” she called out.  Jessica got up from her bed, walked down the short hallway, and down the fifteen stairs to the downstairs of their house.  Jessica counted the stairs as she walked down them.  It was just a little thing that she liked to do.  When she was almost to the bottom, she smelled the pizza that had just come out of the oven.  It smelled wonderful.  She had been so busy cleaning that she had forgotten how hungry she was.  “Where is James?” she asked.
          “Oh, who knows!” her mother mumbled.  “I can’t keep up with that boy.”
          Jessica walked out onto the back porch and yelled for James.  She looked down the road toward the playground.  There were several kids playing, but they were too far away for Jessica to make them out.  One of them looked kind of like James, but Jessica didn’t remember what James was wearing that day.  But the kid in question had a t-shirt on that looked like the favorite one that James wore almost every day.  She called again, this time adding that it was time for supper.  The kid paused and then started to run towards her.  “So it was James,” Jessica thought.  As the figure came closer Jessica could make out James.  Jessica yelled again, “Hurry James, the pizza is hot.”  At the word, pizza, James picked up his pace.  Within a few moments James was up onto the back porch and flying past Jessica into the house.  When Jessica came into the kitchen, James was already slumped onto a dining room chair completely out of breath. 
          As she came nearer, she saw James was sweating.  And then the smell hit her.  James smelled like a wet puppy dog.  “Ooh!  James you stink!  Get into the bathroom and wash your face and hands!”  Jessica could barely stand it!
          James rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, but he got up and dragged himself into the bathroom.  He knew he stank, so he didn’t offer too much resistance.  He grabbed a wash cloth as the sink filled with water.  As he was swishing his washcloth around in the sink, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.  His face was streaked with grime and sweat and his hair was sticking up all over.  Sweat was running down the back of his neck.  He hated to admit it, but Jessica was right.  The smell of pizza made him work faster.  He washed his face and neck, and then rinsed his washcloth.  It made the lavatory water muddy.  He washed his hair and the back of his neck.  James needed a complete bath, but his stomach was demanding pizza.  He rinsed his washcloth again and wiped a second time over his face.  He was done.  At least he was a little cleaner than when he had come in.  He made an excuse as he came in to the table.  “I’ll get a bath later tonight,” he offered.  He wasn’t speaking to anyone in particular, but to everyone in general.  He wasn’t concerned with cleanliness; he was concerned with pizza!
          “Where’s Dad?” James asked as he sat down at the table.
          “Oh I don’t know.” replied his mother.  “He’ll be along later.”
          “James, you need to clean up real good tonight,” Jessica said as James began stuffing pizza into his mouth.  “Remember, we’re going to church tomorrow morning.”
          How could James forget that?  Jessica had only reminded him a gazillion times a day.  He gave a disgusted look, but kept on eating.  He didn’t want to fight.  He only wanted Pizza.

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