I Kings 17:22 And
the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him
again, and he revived. The widow of Zarephath Obeyed Elijah and she and her
little boy were saved from a slow, painful death of starvation. But after a few
months, the boy became sick and died. The widow was beside herself with grief.
She cried aloud to Elijah, “Why has God saved my boy from starvation only to
let him die from a fever? This doesn’t make sense to me!” Elijah felt her pain.
He carried the boy up to his room and began to pray to the Lord. As he prayed,
the little boy’s lifeless body began to warm up again. Then he moved just ever
so slightly. Elijah smiled and continued to pray, but now he was thanking the
good Lord for performing a miracle! The boy sat up and Elijah delivered him to
his joyful mother. God heard the widow’s cry, God heard Elijah’s cry, and God
will hear your cry too! If you ever have a huge need that is bigger than life;
take it to the Lord. He will answer, and He will meet your need! Amen! Oh, by
the way, Happy Birthday, Mary Kate!
I think Mary Kate had a good day. Thanks for the good wishes.