I heard a new word yesterday: cyberincivility. Cyberincivility is when you feel emboldened to “speak your mind” when you are privately by yourselves at your laptop typing on facebook or answering an e-mail. But the problem is, you are not alone. You are getting ready to send your post to hundreds of people or send that e-mail to a recipient. So, before you hit the send button, stop and think, “Is this really what I want to say? Is this too harsh? Is this even necessary?” Remember, you don’t have to respond to someone’s rant on facebook. And you don’t have to respond to that rude e-mail … at least not right away. Sit on it until tomorrow morning. Then send it if you must. Post it if you must. But please show some restraint. You’ll be glad that you did. Paul said in Romans 12:17, “Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” Good advice in the first century and good advice in the twenty-first century.
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