Monday, August 27, 2012

Read Proverbs 14:23  There are two opposites in our verse for today: one is talking about doing something and the other is actually doing it.  Solomon says that it is good to do any kind of work.  When you do a good job on a project, you feel good about yourself.  That is because God made us to work.  Back in the garden of Eden, Adam was given the responsibility of taking care of all the plants and dressing the garden.  He was given a big responsibility by God.  But I am sure that Adam was happy to see his finished work when he was done.  But think, when Satan came into the garden to tempt Eve, how much work did he do?  He did nothing!  He only talked to Eve.  And talking is also mentioned in our verse.  Our verse says that talking only tends towards penury.  Penury means poverty.  Poverty means poor - you have nothing.  So, unless you are a salesman, talking gets you nothing.  What is our lesson for Proverbs 14:23?  Do your work; don't talk about doing it.

1 comment:

  1. Grandaddy,

    Thank you so much for the devotional tonight, we've been waiting for new ones!

    We love you! MK, Will, and Sophie

    PS. MK and Will won second place at the fair with their crafts!
