Sunday, September 30, 2012

Proverbs 16:11  This is an interesting verse that we need to investigate.  A word that we need to look at carefully is the word justJust means fair or true.  How would you like to buy a bag of chocolate that had printed on the outside "12 ounces".  But after you bought it and picked it up, it felt a little light to you.  So after you get home you get out your mother's Weight Watcher's food scale and actually weigh the candy.  To your surprise it weighs only 10 ounces!  Would you feel cheated?  Would you be mad at the company who sold the chocolate and lied about how much was in the bag?  That is because your mother's weighing scale is just and the company's bag is unjust.  Back in Solomon's day, the merchants used a balance scale.  When it was empty, the balance scale was perfectly balanced.  Then the merchant would put a one pound weight on one side and then start putting, say, fish in the other side until the scale once again balanced.  The buyer knew that he was buying one pound of fish.  That is if the merchant's one pound weight was a full one pound.  If the merchant had a weight that said it was one pound on the side of it, it should actually be one pound.  But sometimes crooked merchants would have true weights along with false weights in their bags.  The merchant would use the just weight to convince buyers that he was just and fair.  Then he would switch weights and use the lighter, cheating weight.  The merchant would be cheating the buyer, but the buyer wouldn't even know it.  But God would know it.  That is because God sees and knows everything.  When you think no one is looking, they might not be.  But God is.  When you think you got away with something, may be you did.  But not quite.  Although no one caught you, God saw it.  And God remembers. Later when we need a favor from God, and we ask Him in prayer, suddenly we remember our sneakiness and we remember that God remembers too.  So don't cheat.  Don't be sneaky.  Be honest.  After all God knows everything anyway.  Live a just life and never be afraid to come to God.  He loves you and wants only what is best for you.

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