Monday, October 1, 2012

Proverbs 16:18  Wow! This verse gives us a warning.  Someone who is proud thinks that they are pretty good.  May be even perfect.  But the trouble is that they aren't perfect.  When they let other people know that they are perfect, other people think, "Oh brother!  This person is soooo snooty!  They really think they are something!"  When I was in college, there was a young man who was just that way.  He thought all of the girls should be so lucky to have a date with him.  He was always combing his hair - even though he never had a single hair out of place.  He had the best of clothes - and he knew it.  He took voice lessons, even though he thought he didn't really need to.  So one day he was scheduled to sing a solo in chapel.  But when he went up to the platform and began to sing, he forgot the words and stopped.  So he started again, but he forgot the words at the same place.  The president of our college then stepped in and said, "Young man, sit down, learn the words and come back and sing another day."  The young man was humiliated.  But the sad thing about it is that everyone else was glad when he messed up.  The young man was proud.  He was haughty.  And our verse reminds us that a proud and haughty spirit soon leads to destruction and a fall.  Watch out for a proud spirit.  It will only get you into trouble.

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