Friday, December 21, 2012

Read Proverbs 22:7 & 9  Do you get an allowance?  An allowance is money that your parents give you each week so that you can pay for things that you need to.  You may need to buy your tee shirt for your baseball team or you may want to buy Christmas presents for your family.  Some of you are not old enough to get a job, but you can do things at home and get paid for doing them.  My mother had a list of chores - work that I had to do - posted inside of my closet in my bedroom.  I had to brush my teeth every day.  I had to make my bed every morning.  I had to feed our dog and take out the trash.  These were jobs that I could do and earn money.  If I did my jobs, my chores, I could mark them off on my list each day.  At the end of the week, my dad paid me an allowance for the jobs that I had finished.  I got paid 35¢ each week to do my jobs.  When I was about your age, I went to the bank and opened a savings account.  Each week when we went to town, I put some of my money in the bank and the total amount grew each week.  I had money to use for Christmas or camp or a new baseball glove that I needed.  Our verses tell us two ways to have enough money.  Verse 7 tells us that we should save for the future.  We don't know when we are going to camp, but we will need money when we do.  So we have to save for what might happen in the future.  But if we don't have any money saved, when we have to buy a tee shirt for baseball, we will have to borrow the money from our dad.  Then when we get paid our allowance, we don't really get any money because we have to pay back the money that we borrowed.  So, when we get our allowance, we don't get anything!  We owe it!  We can't do what we want to with our money because we owe it.  Our verse says that the borrower is the servant of the lender.  But the second way to get money is that God gives us money.  God says in verse 9 that if we are generous with our money, God will take care of us.  Sometimes we have extra money and our brother or sister doesn't.  We can loan them some money if they have a need.  They can pay us back the loan.  But we can also give them money when they need it.  We give them money just because we care about them and want to help them.  If they waste their money, I don't think God would want us to pay for their needs.  They should save for their own needs.  But sometimes emergencies come up and we might not be prepared.  Sometimes we just have more money than someone else.  If we save, we will have money for ourselves - that's verse 7 - and if we save, we will have money to help others who don't - that's verse 9.  In either case, we should save and be ready for the future.

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