Sunday, August 11, 2013

Read Proverbs 25:23

Read Proverbs 25:23  Solomon is once again explaining an important lesson with an example.  The important lesson is that we should no listen to someone who is gossiping and complaining about their boss.  When someone whines to another person about a third person, God is not pleased.  If we have a problem with someone, we should talk to them about it.  We should not talk to someone about another person who isn't there to defend themselves.  That is called gossiping.  And when we gossip about about our boss to someone, that is backbiting.  Backbiting is an interesting word.  If you sneak up behind your dog and grab her in the middle of the back, you will understand exactly what backbiting is all about.  But when we are backbiting, we are just gossiping about our boss behind his back.  And when someone gossips to you, they are dragging you into their backbiting.  But how do you stop someone from pulling you into their complaining attitude?  In the first part of our verse, Solomon gives an example of how to stop someone from gossiping to you.  In Solomon's country, when a cold north wind blew in, it pushed the rain out.  So, this is how you deal with a gossiper: when someone begins to gossip to you about someone else, just don't say a word.  Just give them the frowning north wind look and they will stop their backbiting.  Well at least they will stop their backbiting to you.  Usually they will find someone else to take their gossip to.  But at least they won't be gossiping to you.

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