Friday, October 26, 2012

Read Proverbs 18:13  In order to make a decision, you need to have the facts.  For example, what would you say if I asked you, "Would you like to buy this candy bar from me?"  If you would say, "Yes" you are in trouble.  You are the kind of person that Solomon is talking about here in our verse.  You should first ask a few questions like, "How much does it cost?" or "Where did you get it?" or "How old is it?"  Would you buy a candy bar if it costs $10,000?  Of course not!  Would you buy a candy bar that I got out of the dumpster behind Kroger's?  Yuck!  Of course not!  What if I had a candy bar laying it the glove box of my old truck for a year.  Would you buy that candy bar?  Absolutely not.  Solomon is reminding us in our verse to think first before you answer a matter.  When you jump and decide something before you hear all of the facts, you are not wise.  If someone offers to sell you something that seems to be way too cheap, ask some questions first.  Ask where he got it, how did he come to have it, or why is he selling it so cheap.  When someone tells you a story that doesn't seem possible, ask them some questions before you believe it.  That doesn't mean we should not believe everyone.  We should trust some people, but not others.  When your mother serves you supper, you don't need to question her about where she got the mashed potatoes or how old the meat is.  You can trust your mother.  You don't need to worry about the food that she gives you.  But someone that you don't know - well that is a different story.  If a stranger offers you free candy, what should you do?  That's right - run away and tell some adult whom you trust.  What should you do if your Grandaddy offers you free candy?  That's right, take it!  You can trust Grandaddy.  Think when you hear something and know all of the facts before you decide.  Be smart - don't be like the man in our verse who is too quick to answer.  He ended up being made fun of and laughed at because he answered too quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Grandaddy, thank you for doing this devoting, we have been waiting for new ones! Love you, MK, Will & Soph
