Saturday, October 27, 2012

Read Proverbs 18:17  When I was much younger and it was raining outside and I couldn't go outside to play, I used to get bored.  Have you ever been bored?  I had nothing to do.  Well once I got the smart idea that I was going to play a game of checkers against myself.  I was going to play both the red and the black team.  I would move a red checker and then move a black checker.  But soon I realized that a game played that way would not work.  Any plan that I thought of for the red checkers to win, the black checkers already knew about it, because I was also the black team.  And anytime that the black checkers thought of a clever move to trap the red checkers, it never worked.  That is because the red checkers could always get out of the trap because they already knew the trap that the black team was planning.  I always knew what the other team was thinking.  Sometimes we need to think like the other person.  We usually know what we are going to do.  We usually know what we are going to say.  But sometimes we need to stop and think what the other person is going to do or say.  We often think that our idea is best.  We think that the game that we want to play is best.  We think that the TV program that we want to watch will be the best.  But our verse reminds us to listen to others.  Listen to what they think and what they want to do.  Our way is not always best.  we need to listen to others too.  Think of when you should listen to others.

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