Friday, November 2, 2012

Read Proverbs 19:25  Well here is another verse about correction.  But after all, Solomon is giving advice to his son, and his son probably needed correction.  How do I know that?  That is because all sons need correction!  But here in our verse Solomon talks about three different kinds of sons: the scorner, the simple, and the son who has understanding.  Solomon tells us that the scorner will not listen.  He cannot be taught or reasoned with.  The only thing you can do with the scorner is to smite him.  That means a spanking.  Can you be reasoned with?  If your mother tells you, "If you keep on doing that, you will get into trouble" what do you do?  A wise son or daughter will think, "Hum.  I think I had better stop doing that before I get into trouble."  But the scorner doesn't stop.  The scorner thinks he can get away with what he is doing and not get into trouble.  He won't learn.  He won't listen.  He can't be taught.  When I was a teacher in junior high years ago, my classroom was next door to the storage room where the students got a paddling when they were very naughty.  When another teacher took a student into the storage room and spanked them, Me and all of my students heard the spanking.  It was funny, because all of my students sat up just a little straighter in their seats and paid just a little more attention to my teaching.  They were like the simple person mentioned in our verse.  Solomon said that when the scorner was punished, the simple watched and listened and paid attention.  But the best was the child of understanding.  When a wise son or daughter was corrected, they obeyed and changed their ways.  So, what kind of a kid are you?  A scorner who will not listen?  Are you a simple child who follows a scorner and only obeys when the scorner is punished?  or are you a child of understanding?  Do you listen and learn before you have to be punished?  it is much better to listen than to have to be corrected.  I hate getting into trouble.  Do you?  How can you keep from getting into trouble?  How did you get into trouble today?  How could you have avoided getting into trouble?  What about tomorrow?  Are you going to be more obedient tomorrow?  I hope so.

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