Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Read Proverbs 20:18  Well, which of you kids are going to war?  May be you are going to fight a Legos Star Wars battle, but that is different.  Our verse talks about counsel, which means getting advice from someone else.  When you are going to do something that you have never done before, it is good to have someone else to tell you what to look for and what to expect.  They can tell you the stuff you might need and how long it might take and . . . well, just about everything that you don't know that you should need to know.  That is what we call advice.  And then the last part of our verse talks about going to war.  Going to was was a serious matter in Solomon's day.  It still is.  Before someone goes to war they absolutely need to know that they are ready.  If you aren't ready, you might lose your life!  You have to know that your equipment is ready and that it is the very best.  What if your sword breaks in the middle of fighting?  You are dead meat!  What if your arrows are not properly prepared?  If just one of the feathers on your arrow falls off, the arrow will fly crooked and will miss the mark.  You will waste your time shooting a defective arrow.  When you go to war, it is good to get advice from an old veteran - someone who has been through the battle before and has come out victorious.  That is the same way it is in life.  You, as a young person, should get advice from someone older and wiser than yourself.  If you don't listen to older people, you may ruin your life.  And remember, you only get one life.  In a computer game, you get to start over when you "die."  But in real life, you only get one chance.  Don't take the risk of not listening to your parents and messing up.  Get good advice and live a great life!  Get good advice so that someday you can give good advice to your children.  Wow!  That sounds crazy!  But you will grow up before you know it!  And with good advice, you will do a great job at life!

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