Sunday, November 4, 2012

Read proverbs 20:1  Wine is mentioned many times in the Bible.  Some people say that the Bible does not say that drinking alcohol is wrong.  Jesus actually made wine at the marriage of Cana in John chapter2.  But Jesus never permitted drunkenness and the wine mentioned in the New Testament was always mixed with water.  It was kind of like Kool Aide.  In Bible times there were no refrigerators to keep grape juice fresh, so all grape juice turned to wine quickly as it sat outdoors.  But Jesus never used strong drink.  Here in Proverbs wine is always spoken of as bad for you.  Here in our verse Solomon even says that wine mocks whoever drinks it.  It makes fun of you.  When someone drinks wine or liquor, they become controlled by the drink.  They usually can't stop with just one drink.  Then the alcohol in the wine takes them over.  Their speech is slurred - they can't talk clearly.  Their vision is impaired - they can't see clearly.  Their actions are slowed and they stumble around clumsily - they can't act clearly.  When people see a drunk person stumbling around, they laugh at them.  They are not in control of themselves.  Their body is controlled by the liquor.  As our verse says the wine takes them over - the wine makes a mock of them.  Anyone who thinks that they can control wine is deceived - the wine is controlling them.  And our verse from God's holy Word says that they are not wise.  Be wise.  Stay away from wine.  Stay away from liquor.  Stay away from alcohol.  Be wise!

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