Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Read Proverbs 20: 7  This is a great verse for kids.  It talks about where we get our good habits from.  It explains to us the key to being a good man or woman when you grow up.  There are some kids who grow up and become great adults on their own, but most kids become good adults because their father made them that way.  When you sneak and steal something and your father corrects you, you learn to be honest.  When you are lazy, your father corrects you and you learn to be a hard worker.  When you sass your mother and talk back to her and your father hears you, he doesn't let you get away with having a smart mouth.  He stops you from being a smarty pants. (Ha, ha!)  And . . .  when you learn as a child to be honest, hard working, and respectful, you grow up to be an honest, hard-working, and respectful adult that everyone likes.  You are blessed and everyone likes you because your father corrected you and made you act the way you should.  And actions become habits.  And habits become character.  You may not like your father correcting you, but someday, you will want to thank him for correcting you when you were little.  Why not thank him today!

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