Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Shepherd Chapter 12

Chapter 12
          I started out late in the morning, but covered a lot of territory by early afternoon. I had to find Jesus, and fast! The road down to Jericho was treacherous. Thieves often lurked among the rock outcroppings, so I had to be cautious. I carried myself with confidence and kept a vigilant eye.
          Word in Jericho was that Jesus had gone further up the Jordan valley. The Pharisees had sought to take Jesus a few weeks earlier, but he had escaped their trap. When I arrived in Bethany Beyond the Jordan, no Jesus. But a woman at the city well said that she had seen him just a week earlier with his disciples headed towards Aenon. Many folk resorted to him and I was sure to find him soon.
          It was early in the evening, and I followed the trail up the Jordan Valley. within two hours I heard the crowd ahead. Jesus was in the middle teaching the people. I saw some men who looked like Galileans and spoke to them. They were some of Jesus’ disciples. When I explained that Lazarus was sick, they took me straight to Jesus. Jesus was gracious and heard the entire story. He thought a minute and said, “This is not a sickness unto death. Lazarus will be just fine.”
          I was dumbstruck. I had seen Lazarus myself. He had a fever just like my father who had died only days earlier. The Master must have seen my look of shock. He patted me on the shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile. I faded into the crowd and stayed there a few more minutes not knowing what to do. I decided to head back to Judea. It was dark by then, but a full moon had risen over the hills to the east and I had just been over the same trail minutes before. I walked south down the Jordan Valley thinking. Jesus was the Messiah. I was confident of that. I had seen him do so many marvelous things to doubt him. So, if Jesus really said that Lazarus would be all right, he would be all right. I began to relax and realized how tired I was. I sat down beside the river, wrapped my robe around me, leaned back against a tree, and in a few moments, I was fast asleep.
          I awoke to birds chirping. It wasn’t quite daybreak yet, but the sky was just beginning to glow in the East. Early morning was my favorite time of the day. My mind was restored, and my body refreshed. I began the trip home. By late afternoon I entered Bethany and heard the cries of the mourners. As I neared the home of Lazarus, I could tell that the noise was coming from his house.
          All the energy drained from me. I sat down by the road just before the house. How could Jesus have been so wrong? Lazarus was dead, and Jesus had said that he would be just fine. How could this be?! I went to see my mother, but she wasn’t home. She must have been consoling Mary and Martha. I knew that I should be there helping too, but I didn’t know what to say. I fell asleep waiting for mother to come home. It was evening before my mother and sister came into the house.
          Mother was surprised. She asked, “When did you get back, Samuel? Why didn’t you come by Mary and Martha’s house? And where is Jesus? I don’t see him.” she said looking around with a puzzled look.
          I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t have any answers for her questions. So I said, “I saw Jesus last night and told him about Lazarus. But he said Lazarus would be just fine.” I paused again. “I don’t understand, mother. Jesus didn’t seem to think it was important enough to come back to Bethany. I just don’t understand.” my voice trailed off.
          Mother must have seen my disappointment. But she was disappointed too. She hugged me for a moment and said, “I don’t know why Jesus didn’t come right away either, but we must help Mary and Martha as much as we can.”
          I absentmindedly nodded assent. My mind was numb. I couldn’t think. My father had been gone only a week and now our dear neighbor was gone. But my real disappointment was with Jesus. “Didn’t he care?” I thought. “Wasn’t Jesus interested in Lazarus and Mary and Martha? Couldn’t he have done something?”
          My family made plans to help with a second burial in the week. Well, actually, they made plans. I was only there in body, not in mind or spirit. My mind was in a turmoil. Who was this Jesus? Was he the Son of God, or wasn’t he? Did he care about his friends, or didn’t he?

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