Saturday, July 7, 2012

Read Proverbs 10:14  This verse is very similar to one that we had earlier: it talks about the wise and the foolish person.  Wise people plan ahead, but foolish people just go on ahead with no plan or idea of what they are going to do.  They just let things happen and then try to solve the problems as they come upon them.  The wise person, however, tries to look ahead and figure out the problems that might happen in the future and plan for them. By planning ahead, they will be ready for the problems when they come.  For example, a foolish child may get some money from their grandmother for their birthday.  They are excited and spend all of the money at the candy store.  They eat all of the candy that afternoon and it is gone.  The only thing they have is a sick tummy!  The wise child also gets birthday money from Grandma and buys a birthday ice cream cone at McDonald's but then saves the rest of their birthday money.  Later that week, both the wise and the foolish kid find out that their cousin is going to an amusement park for the day.  They are invited to come along, but it will cost them about $25 for the day.  The wise child gets all excited because they already have the money saved up.  But the foolish child gets sad, because they have no money and have no idea of how they might come up with $25 so quickly.  There is no time to do any extra chores for money.  They have no plan; they have no money; they are just stuck.  So there is the problem.  We just don't know what the future holds.  We don't know what good things are ahead of us or what difficult times are ahead of us.  So, if we are wise, we will plan for whatever might be ahead of us.  But if we are foolish, we will spend everything and just wait for whatever is ahead.  I hope you are wise and begin to plan ahead.  Be wise and you will be happy.

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