Saturday, July 14, 2012

Read Proverbs 11:24-26  These three verses talk about having things and about money and wealth.  Today your Dad works a job and gets paid in money.  Back in the days of Solomon, most people were farmers and didn't have very much money.  But they did have many cows and goats and sheep.  They had huge fields of wheat and barley.  They had fields of hay to cut for the winter and meadows for their animals to graze on in the summer.  They had wealth, but it wasn't in the form of money.  Verses 25 and 26 tell the lesson of a man who is generous and gives to the poor people in his community.  Verse 25 says that the Lord will bless that generous person and will help him because he is generous to the poor people. Verse 26 says that when hard times come, the generous man will sell some of his corn to the poor people who have run out of their own corn that they stored up.  If the wealthy man keeps all of his corn to himself, the poor people will hate him.  He has plenty but won't sell to them when they need it.  Because of these attitudes, God says in verse 24 that He will bless the wealthy man who is generous but will let problems come to the man who is stingy and keeps all of his stuff for himself.  God says in verse 24 that when the wealthy man sells his extra corn to the poor, that he still will not run out of corn.  God will make sure that the generous man has enough corn to last.  But the stingy wealthy man who keeps all of his corn to himself and won't sell to the poor when they need it, God will make sure that his corn runs out no matter how much he has saved up.  God will bless generosity and punish greediness.  God takes care of the poor and blesses people who take care of the poor.  When Oma and Opa help the poor in Haiti, God has promised to bless them.  God wants us to be his hands here on earth and to do what God would do if He were here.  Let's do God's work and be His people!

1 comment:

  1. This spawned a discussion which began with "So you're saying I have to keep giving and giving and giving? When can I stop giving?" Daddy led a great discussion about people who are greedy. We even talked about the children of Israel and their manna--how they were only supposed to take what they NEEDED. This was a good one. Well, they all are!
