Sunday, July 29, 2012

Proverbs 13:22  What do people say about you when you aren’t there?  Do they say nice things about you when you have left the room?  Do they say things like, “He sure is kind and helpful.”  Do they say, “I sure do miss her when she isn’t here.  I miss her sunny smile and pleasant attitude.”  Now let’s think of something a little more serious: what are people going to say when you are gone on to heaven?  I know you are young, but what about those of us who are old?  Will they say, “I sure do miss Granddaddy.”  Or will they say, “Hey, what about that grumpy old guy.  I haven’t thought of him in quite a while.”  What people say about us is called our legacy; it is our remembrance; it is the inheritance that we leave for our grandchildren.  Our verse says that we should leave an inheritance for our grandchildren.  That is talking about leaving them money.  But it is also talking about leaving them a good remembrance and a good family name.  When someone says our name after we have died and gone on, will they say, “He was a good Christian man.  I know that God is real because Granddaddy talked with Him all the time.”  Or when someone says our name, will they say, “That old man said that he loved God, but I never was sure that he really did.”  And the last half of our verse ties in with the first half.  At the end of time, Jesus Christ will come back to earth, not as a baby like He did the first time, but as a triumphant king.  He will come back with a sword riding on a powerful white horse.  And we who have died and gone on will be coming back with Him to rule on the earth with Jesus.  Those who never believed in Jesus Christ as their Savior will die and leave all of their stuff behind.  Those of us who do believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior will come back to earth and all of that stuff will be ours.  The wicked will not be there to enjoy everything that they saved up.  We will!  Isn’t God good?  Won’t it be wonderful to live with Him forever and forever?  Trust Jesus as your Savior, and you will!

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