Monday, July 9, 2012

Read Proverbs 10:26  Solomon was a wise king and had many servants to do his work.  Your dad may be a boss and have many employees to help him get his work done at the company.  But Solomon said that when he sent a lazy servant out to do a job for him, it was a terrible idea.  Sluggards, or lazy people just can't get the job done.  Solomon uses two illustrations to help us to understand how hopeless it is to send a lazy person out to do a job.  Solomon first says that as vinegar is on the teeth so it is sending a sluggard on an errand.  You probably have never tasted vinegar on your teeth.  But it is kind of like eating pancakes with sweet sirup all over them and then taking a drink of sour orange juice.  It hurts your mouth, doesn't it?  That is like sending a lazy person out to do a job.  It ruins your day.  Then Solomon says that sending a sluggard out to do an errand is like smoke in your eyes.  Last Sunday evening we had a cook-out at Emmanuel Baptist Church where I had Bible school.  We had hot dogs and marshmallows that we roasted over a fire.  As I cooked my hot dog, I noticed that the smoke coming from the fire was blowing right towards me. I liked my hot dog to get cooked, but the smoke was stinging my eyes.  My eyes stung so bad that they were tearing up and I couldn't see the hot dog and I got it down in the ashes of the fire.  I had to wipe the ashes off my hot dog with a napkin, but then the napkin got stuck on the side of my hot dog.  I had a terrible time.  So it is when a boss sends a lazy person out to do a job.  It just isn't worth the effort.  Don't be a lazy person.  Work hard for your boss so that he will be proud of you.  Someday you may be a boss and will have to send people out to do work.  Don't be a sluggard.  Be a diligent worker.

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