Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Read Psalms 1:3-6  Once again, we see two different kinds of people.  Yesterday we saw two kinds of football: the offense and the defense.  The righteous man is like the offense and the ungodly man is like the defense.  Verse 2 gives us another word picture.  It says that the man who reads God's Word and listens to what God says is like a tree planted by the rivers of water.  Trees need water to live and to grow. When the weather is dry, the trees down by the river don't have to worry.  Their roots underneath the ground have plenty of water from the river nearby.  They have it good.  But verse 4 tells us that the ungodly are not so.  They do not have God to depend upon.  They do not have someone bigger than they are to take care of them.  Here in verse 4 they are described as chaff.  We make our bread out of wheat that is all ground up really fine.  Wheat is a grass that has hundreds of grains on the top of the stalk.  Back in Bible times, the farmers would cut the wheat stalks and then have an animal to trample the wheat to get the wheat grains off of the stalk and then to break off the hard outer shell from around the good grain of wheat.  This hard outer shell was called the chaff.  Then, on a windy day, the farmer would take a shovel and throw all of these wheat parts up in the air.  The heavy good wheat grains would fall straight back down.  But the worthless lighter chaff and stalks would be blown away by the wind.  People who do not have God in their hearts don't know the right way to go.  Everyone tells them what to do, so they just listen to everyone.  They go this way and that way just like the chaff that is blown this way and that way by the wind.  The good grain of wheat fall straight down because they know what to do.  They read God's Word and listen to what God tells them to do.  Sometimes it seems hard to do what God says to do in His Word, but it is always the best thing to do.  The right thing to do is not always easy at first, but it is always the best thing to do.  I hope you are like the strong tree planted by the rivers of water and not like the worthless chaff that is just blown away.

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