Sunday, January 23, 2011

Read Psalms 34:6-8  Do you ever have a bad day.  I mean a really, awful bad day?  Do you have days when it seems like everything is going wrong?  I do.  On these bad days, you get into trouble all the time, and it isn't even your fault.  Your brother hits you and you hit him back just when your mother walks in.  Or you put out some water for your dog and she knocks over the bowl just as your father comes home.  You get into trouble for not giving the dog water - but you did!  In verse 6 David said he felt like a poor man; he felt like he was having a horrible day.  But the second part of the verse says that the Lord came to his rescue and saved him out of all of his troubles.  Isn't it good to know that God watches over us?  Verse 7 goes on to say that the angel of the Lord camps all around us.  The angel that God sends to protect us stays up all night and camps around us to protect us.  We don't have to stay up all night and worry,  God's protecting angel will stay up all night for us.  We can just curl up under our warm blankets and sleep and let God's protecting angel stay up and take care of us while we sleep!  I feel like David in verse 8.  David says to taste and see that the Lord is what?  Yes He is.  God is very good!  Sleep good tonight!

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