Saturday, January 4, 2025

Comfort Food


What is your “comfort food”?  A food that brings you back to a time of wonderful memories.  I recall my Granny Epperly baking “pone bread”, which was one giant biscuit on a 9X13 cookie sheet.  She would break off a corner, pinch it up onto my plate, and pour hot sausage gravy all over it.  My wife has memories of corn meal mush.  Her mother would refrigerate the leftover mush and the next morning slice it and fry it with pancake syrup drizzled over it.  So, I had a “memory moment” this morning. My Granny Whitely used to keep 6-ounce bottles of Dr. Pepper in the refrigerator and then about ten minutes before we would drink one, she would put it into the freezer compartment of her little refrigerator and let it chill.  When she popped the lid, the water in the Dr. Pepper would instantly turn to frozen slush - not so much as to freeze the entire bottle, but just enough to put the Dr. Pepper right at the edge of freezing ... the absolute coldest that it could be.  If you will, the perfect temperature at which to drink a Dr. Pepper.  So, moments ago, I had a Dr. Pepper just like Granny Whitely used to give to me, and I thought of her and her Godly heritage.  Granny taught the ladies’ Sunday school class for many years, and she would study her Sunday school lesson every day of the week in order to be prepared for Sunday morning.  I still have her Bible memory cards that she used to study from.  The Apostle Paul recalled, with fond memory, the mother and grandmother of his protégé, Timothy.  Paul said in II Timothy 1:5, “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.”  Hey, I have a Godly heritage.  But the greater question is, am I providing a Godly heritage to my children and grandchildren?  Hey, are you providing a Godly heritage to your children and grandchildren?  If not, why not start today.  Do they see Christ in you?  Make it so today!

Friday, January 3, 2025

Bad Hair Day


Thursday morning, I waited in the Burger King parking lot for my daughter to meet me to drop off my grandson for the day.  We meet half-way (at Burger King) so that neither of us have to drive too far.  A large SUV pulled up and an older lady got out of the passenger side.  She opened the back door, got out her cape and her purse, and then said something to someone in the driver side.  Moments later, her husband (I assume) got out of the driver’s side, met her in front of the vehicle, and they both went into Burger King to get breakfast.  I chuckled to myself at his hair.  He had obviously not washed his hair that morning because I saw his “bed head” of hair smashed against his head.  But he was unaware of his tousled hair.  He had ignored the mirrors in his house.  But he made me laugh, and for that, I thank him.  After my grandson and I had worked all morning out in the cold, we went to Chick fil-A for lunch.  Since we had been digging post holes for a wooden fence, I went to the restroom to wash my dirty hands.  But when I looked into the mirror above the lavatory, I saw that my hair had been mushed down by my hat into an interesting shape.  As I had walked into Chick fil-A a few moments earlier and had taken off my hat, I knew exactly what the staff had thought, because that was exactly what I had thought that morning.  Proverbs 29:23, “A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.”  I was prideful Thursday morning, but I thank the dear Lord for showing me how prideful I was Thursday afternoon.

Thursday, January 2, 2025



Four years ago, I lost my passenger side mirror to an eighteen-wheeler who felt the need to be in control of the interstate.  I was in the left lane and slower traffic was in the right lane.  As both lanes of traffic approached the I-75/24 merge, this trucker decided that no one should get ahead of him, so he pulled left to block both lanes.  But I was in the left lane that he was attempting to block.  I tried to slow down and drop in behind him, but he came over and I lost my mirror in the process.  I was fortunate not to have been in an accident (not that my mirror doesn’t count).  He just did not want anyone to pass him.  He thought that he was in charge of the interstate.  Hey, do you know someone who is controlling?  They are not satisfied with controlling themselves, they must control others too.  Paul said that we should not try to control one another, but that we should be kind one to another.  Paul said in Ephesians 4:32, “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.”  Instead of control, let’s practice love today.  Instead of force, let’s use kindness.  It might make a change in your world.  It WILL make a change in yourself!