Friday, I had to swerve to keep from hitting a big piece of truck tire that had peeled off of an eighteen-wheeler on the interstate. Truckers call them “alligators”. I was upon it almost before I could react. And I was driving my little X-B Scion. That piece of tire was as long as the car, curled up on both ends, steel cords poking out, and right in the roadway. Since I was in the right lane, I swerved onto the shoulder and then eased back into my lane. Pastor Jamie mentioned “swerve” in his message last Sunday. Paul warned Timothy of false teachers in I Timothy reminding him that the truth of the Bible was paramount. Paul went on to say in I Timothy 1:6, “From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling.” When you leave the truth of the Scriptures, you are following nothing but noisy racket: “vain jangling”. Hey, evaluate your life. Read your Bible. Have you swerved from the truth? Then it’s time to ease back into the proper lane and move on. Swerve to avoid dangers in the roadway, but get back into the right lane as soon as you can
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