I heard a strange story about a British philosopher/educator named Jeremy Bentham. Bentham died in 1832 leaving explicit instructions that his body was to be preserved and kept at the University College in London. His skull and skeleton were to be dressed in his clothes (stuffed with straw) and seated in a glass case in the room where the council meetings were held. When Sir Malcolm Grant, provost of the College retired in 2013 (181 years later), he announced at the council meeting that Jeremy Bentham was “present but not voting”. Hey, once we die, that’s it. No more meetings to attend; no more business to be transacted; nothing. Our time here on earth is ended and our eternity has begun. Paul said in II Corinthians 5:8, “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” It is as if we finish one phase of life, walk through the door of death, and walk into the next life of eternity. In reality, Jeremy Bentham is not now attending any meetings in London; the soul of Jeremy Bentham is somewhere in eternity, either in heaven or in hell. Hey, are you ready to walk through death’s door and walk into eternity? Are you ready to meet Jesus? If not, now would be a great time make that decision to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior. Message me and we can talk.
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