Monday, October 7, 2013

Proverbs 29:5

Proverbs 29:5  A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet. Flattering is a big word that means to talk wonderfully to someone in order to make them like you better. For example, you may tell someone how smart they are and they will like your words. They like your words, not because they are smart, but they just like being told that they are smart. And so they like you, and they think that you are smart. But neither one of you are smart because you are just saying fake words.  You just told them that they were smart and they liked what you said. But when the truth eventually comes out, they will realize that you were just saying that they were smart for your benefit. They will realize that you were not truthful with them. You are caught! Our verse says that you are caught just like a hunter sets a trap and catches an animal. The hunter spreads a net out on the ground, camouflages it with leaves and grass, and puts bait in the middle. The poor unsuspecting creature falls for the trick, eats the bait, and is caught in the net that is spread right under its feet. If you start saying insincere words to someone, eventually you will get caught in your own words. So just don't do it. Always speak the truth. You will never be sorry.

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