Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Genesis 43:1,2

Genesis 43:1,2 And the famine was sore in the land. And it came to pass, when they had eaten up the corn which they had brought out of Egypt, their father said unto them, Go again, buy us a little food. As the famine continued, Jacob and his extended family quickly went through the grain that Joseph had sold to them. So Jacob told his sons to go back to Egypt and buy some more grain to keep them alive. Ruben reminded him that Simeon was left as a hostage and the only way that the Egyptian ruler would sell them more grain was if they brought Benjamin back with them to prove that they weren’t spies. Jacob was reluctant, but he had to let in as they were all starving anyway. When the brothers arrived in Egypt, Joseph was excited to see his all grown up little brother. He brought the brothers over to his palace for supper, and to their surprise, he seated them all according to their age. The next day, he sent them away with the grain that they bought. But Joseph had a plan. He secretly put his golden cup in Benjamin's sack. After the brothers left, Joseph sent out his guards to stop them. “Is this how you treat a host?” the guards exclaimed. “One of you has stolen our master’s golden cup. You will all pay for such a wicked act.” And they were hauled back before Joseph. But when they appeared before Joseph, he seemed to soften a little. He said, “I will let all of you Go, and will only imprison the one who has stolen my golden cup.” Upon investigation, the cup was found in Benjamin’s sack. The brothers were shocked and scared. Benjamin was Jacob’s favorite. They had disposed of Joseph and now they were about to lose Benjamin. They begged for mercy and Judah offered to stay as a prisoner so that Benjamin could return safely to their father. Joseph saw that they were repentant and could bear it no longer. In Hebrew, he blurted out, "I am Joseph, your brother!” The brothers were shocked! And then they really became scared. The last time they had seen Joseph was when they sold him as a slave - not good. Would he get even with them for their wickedness? But Joseph went on, “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.” He stepped in among them and hugged them with tears of joy. The brothers couldn’t get over it! Their little brother was the second in command of all of Egypt! Nothing could be better. But, it would get better. God was in control!

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