Sunday, October 18, 2020

Mr. Ford


When I was young, my dad had a farmer friend in Churchville, Maryland.  Mr. Briney was a Godly man and dad would take us boys with him to visit Mr. Briney every month or so.  One day after our visit, dad took us by Mr. Ford’s blacksmith shop that was nearby in the village of Level.  Mr. Ford was old and worked his forge only occasionally, but he was glad to show us boys around the place.  It was a wonder for us to look at with tools and implements all around.  When Mr. Ford passed away, his entire blacksmith shop was moved about five miles to the Susquehanna State Park Farm Machinery Museum.  Sixty years later, little boys can still watch blacksmiths hand-make horseshoes using Mr. Ford’s own tools.  The tools are still working, and Mr. Ford’s memory is still in my mind.  Hey, do you have any old memories still etched in your mind of old-timers from the past?  But more important yet, will you leave any memories etched in someone else’s mind?  David said of the Lord in Psalm 143:5, “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the work of thy hands.”  Think about the old days.  Remember people who have influenced your life.  Now make a commitment to influence someone else.  Remember how good the Lord has been to you all of these years and pass it on to the next generation.

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