Friday, March 31, 2017

Amos 3:7

Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. God loves Israel and God loves his children, the New Testament church. He doesn’t keep us in the dark, He keeps us informed through His Word given to us by His writers. Hey! You’re reading from one of them right now! Amos was one of the Old Testament prophets sent to proclaim God’s words. Usually, the prophets are given a message of warning. Often they are given a word of prophecy, telling of future events. The Bible is the only Holy book in the world that contains prophecy. All of the religions of the world rely on their holy books, but only the Bible proves it is the Word of God by containing prophecy, telling of future events. The Bible proves it is true because its words of prophecy have come to pass! Well, there are some words of prophecy that are about events that are still in the future – but make no mistake, they will happen just as God said through His prophets. Just like you tell everything to your close friends, God reveals everything to His close friends. I’m glad that I am a close friend of God, aren’t you?!

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