Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Joel 3:14-16

Joel 3:14-16 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. Joel talks about the Day of the Lord as a terrible time of judgement. Joel is speaking about the end times. The second coming of Jesus Christ to earth will be in two parts. The first part is called The Rapture. Jesus Christ will come in the clouds and call up all His saints who have died. They will be reunited with their spirits and come up t meet Him. Those Christians who are alive will be changed instantaneously into their glorified bodies and rise up to meet Jesus Christ too. All the saved of all time will go up with their Lord to be with Him in heaven. This will begin the seven year Tribulation period spoken of in the book of Revelation. There will be 144,000 Jewish evangelists who go out preaching God’s Word. This is the time described in our verses for today. The multitudes must decide to follow the Anti-Christ and take his mark or to follow King Jesus and be persecuted. What a heart-wrenching decision! After terrible judgements and brutal times, Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem and defeat the armies of the Anti-Christ at the battle of Armageddon in the Valley of Jezreel in Israel. Then Jesus will set up His Millennial Kingdom for one thousand years. We will be with Jesus all this time, but He will be doing all of the work. We will be with Him enjoying His divine presence. I pray that people will decide for Christ before those terrible days so that they will not have to go through those days. How much better to be in heaven with Jesus than making difficult decisions on earth.

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