Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Colossians 4:6

Colossians 4:6 Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. God expects us to have kind words to say to people. But we should always tell the truth. And telling the truth sometimes means that we should warn people about sin and God’s coming punishment for their sin. That is the salt part. But, just like we shouldn’t use too much salt on our food, we shouldn’t talk about God’s judgement the sinner’s punishment all of the time. God will punish the sinner, but God also loves the sinner, and will forgive. We should talk about God’s love and forgiveness more than we talk about God’s judgement. That’s what our verse is saying. We be ready to give answers to people when they have a question about the Bible. Most people have ideas about heaven and God and the Bible, but often they are just ideas – they are not based on facts. They heard something from someone, or just thought about things and came up with their own ideas. They may think of spiritual things the way that they think they should be and not necessarily how God says that they really are. That’s where we come in. As a Christian, we should speak for God. So, how do we know what to say? How do we know what God likes and what God doesn’t like? How do we know what goes on in heaven and what happens in the future? Well, we have to read the Bible to find out what God thinks. We have to read the Bible to know what is going to happen in the future. When someone finds out that we are a Christian and they have a Bible question, we need to have answers ready. Most people don’t know God and don’t know what the Bible says. Our verse tells us that we should be ready to speak up for God and to speak up with correct information. But to do so, we must study the Bible. Dig in! Read God’s word! And then you will be ready to give an answer.

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