Saturday, July 27, 2024



My mother-in-law used to collect salt and pepper shakers.  Some of them were cute, but most of them were corny.  Nothing says Thanksgiving like shaking a porcelain turkey and out flies salt.  My wife has several sheep, and the word got out that she collects sheep.  Now she has several more from the ladies in her Sunday school class.  I collect pictures of dead presidents.  If anyone would like to send me some, please do.  Ha, ha!  I have a collection of used Bibles on a bookshelf downstairs.  When I travel to Cameroon, I sign them and give them to young preacher boys.  What a blessing to them and a blessing to me.  Nothing thrills my heart more than to see men who love the Word of God!  But a collection of Bibles is not a good thing.  Bibles are books and books are meant to be read.  Bibles should not be left on a shelf collecting dust (no pun intended).  David said in Psalm 119:11, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”  Hey, read your Bibles; don’t collect them.  And for sure don’t collect dust ON them!

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