Sunday, July 7, 2024



OK, I am not an exercise freak.  But I do have these two 5 lb. dumbbells that I use to work out my arms.  I like to keep them in the living room so that I am reminded to use them while watching TV (It’s sort of like drinking diet Coke while eating ice cream).  But my wife doesn’t like the dumbbells in the living room because they “ruin the décor”.  Oh well.  So, yesterday she was going to move them back to the bedroom where she thought they would look better, only she had to pick them up.  After trying to pick up my dumbbells, she decided that they looked fine right where they were.  What she thinks is too heavy, is what I use to exercise with.  It’s all in your point of view.  Hey that’s exactly how each of us deals with the struggles of life.  God has taken me through pain and suffering and taught me to bear it.  My sized dumbbells, so to speak.  I have lost both parents in death, but my four children haven’t gone through that pain yet.  But they have lost grandparents in death … their sized dumbbells.  And my grandchildren haven’t gone through what their parents have gone through yet.  They have much smaller sized dumbbells in life.  Each of us are at different stages in life’s struggles.  But remember, in each struggle, God is there with you.  Paul said it best in I Corinthians 10:13, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”  As you struggle with difficulties in life, the dear Lord will meet your need and give you the strength to deal with the heaviest dumbbells that you can handle.  Just look for that way of escape and trust your loving heavenly Father.

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