Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Crusty Eyes


A while back, I woke up with crusty sleep in my eyes.  I thought that I got it all cleaned out, but obviously, I didn’t.  I took my dear wife to dialysis planning to take a shower when I came home.  But on the way, I still couldn’t get my left eye clear.  I grumbled to my wife that my left eye was just not working right.  She looked at me and said, “Here, give me those glasses.”  She proceeded to clean the left lens and then handed my glasses back to me.  Miraculously, my left eye was healed!  Hey, how often do I have “relational crusty eyes”?  Do I see problems in other peoples’ lives and not see the problems in my own life?  I see a speck in their eye but don’t see the telephone pole in my own eye.  Sound familiar?  Jesus said in Matthew 7:5, “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.”  The moral of the story: clean up your own life first and then look at others.  And I have so much to clean up in my own life that it will use up all of my time, and I’ll have to leave the rest of you alone.  So, for now, you are safe from my critical eye.  But just for now …

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