Thursday, July 25, 2024



Sundays are busy, and there are many details that I must remember.  Last week, I hung my sport coat on a chair by the door and forgot it.  Oops!  When I got to church and noticed my missing jacket, it was too late to return home and retrieve it.  I explained to Pastor Jamie why I was leading music without my sport coat, and he was understanding.  I was a little embarrassed at my absentmindedness (but not too much).  Hey, how often do we forget important things?  My dear friend, Larry Russell, is at the end of his life and will pass on into eternity very soon.  Brother Larry is ready for that moment.  But how many of us put off our eternal preparations?  We know that we must face our Maker someday, but we assume that it will be much later.  We tell ourselves that we will make our final preparations later.  But eternal decisions are serious and should not be put off.  Hebrews 9:27, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”  It’s one thing to forget a jacket, but it’s quite another thing to forget to make our peace with Jesus Christ.  One will result in a little embarrassment, but the other will make the difference between eternal life or eternal death.  Have you trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?  Don’t forget before it’s eternally too late.

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