Monday, July 29, 2024



Monday morning, we had fog from the rain that fell late Sunday evening.  It was the first rain that we have had in a long time.  We have had a few sprinkles, or as Granny Whitely used to say, “Just enough rain to settle the dust.”  Slippery, rain-soaked roads coupled with early morning darkness compounded by thick fog … not a good combination.  It’s hard to see the road and hard to see other cars under such conditions.  So … what about your Christian testimony?  Is your testimony hard for others to see?  Paul said in II Corinthians 4:3, “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost.”  Don’t intentionally hide your testimony.  Let your light shine into an increasingly dark world.  You be a light today for folk who are lost in the spiritual fog.

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