Friday, September 20, 2024



As I left cardiac rehab Wednesday morning, I lady was coming in.  I spoke to her, and she spoke back.  But as I was about to respond in our brief conversation, she continued speaking and walked right past me!  And what she said didn’t make sense.  I stopped walking and looked back at her, puzzled.  She continued to walk and talk.  It was then that I noticed her earbuds and realized that she was on Bluetooth talking to someone else and not talking to me!  She was talking and I was talking, but no conversation was going on … that is at least between the two of us.  She was talking to someone else; not me.  How often do we go to church, sing songs, listen to prayers, and listen to sermons, but we are not even communicating with God?!  We enjoy the company of other Christians, and we like the churchy activity, but we aren’t really communicating with the God of the universe.  Isaiah said it of Israel, and it could well be said on us: Isaiah 29:13, “Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me …”  Hey, this Sunday, don’t go to church to talk to each other.  Prepare your heart to meet with the Lord.  After all, it’s not about us; it’s all about Him.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sweet Smell


We have several trash cans in our house, and most of them are stinky.  That’s because, by nature, trash is stinky.  But we have one trash can that smells great.  So, how is that possible?  That’s because that trash can is downstairs between the washer and dryer, and I throw the used dryer sheets into that trash can.  And that gave me an idea.  So, now when I fold the clean clothes, a used dryer sheet goes into the trash can by the computer in the bedroom.  Now it smells better.  And alternately, a used dryer sheet goes into the master bathroom trash can.  Now If I could just figure out a way to get a used dryer sheet into the kitchen trash can … on top of the onion peels.  The apostle Paul was thrilled by the generosity of the church at Phillipi delivered by Epaphroditus.  Paul said in Philippians 4:18, “But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.”  Hey, to others, do you smell sweet, or do you stink?  Your actions will tell.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024



My dad’s mother, Granny Whitely, loved gardening.  She had seeds that she saved year after year.  She had a special variety of bush beans that she kept in a pint jar in the freezer to simulate a good cold winter.  And in the spring, she planted them.  But my how she pampered her tomatoes!  Granny would prepare a box of soil in her trailer and plant the tiny tomato seeds in March.  She would select the best plants, thinning out the weaker ones.  By the end of April, they were ready to transplant outdoors into the garden.  She always teased Mr. Miller at church that she would have the first red tomato ... and she usually did.  There was something special about that first tomato.  Hey, Exodus and Leviticus commanded the Israelites to bring in the “first fruits” as a special offering to the Lord.  But more importantly, Jesus Christ is called the “first fruits” in His resurrection from the dead.  You see, because Jesus raised from the dead, we have the promise that we will be resurrected too.  Jesus was the First One, and we as His followers are guaranteed to follow.  Someday, after we die, Jesus will come again from heaven to resurrect our bodies and take us home with Him to heaven.  Paul said in I Corinthians 15:23, “But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.”  We are promised to live again because of Jesus’ resurrection.  His life is the proof that we shall live again.  Hey, do you belong to Jesus?  The you will live again!  Just like Granny Whitely prepared her garden, you must prepare for eternity.  Will you be ready when Jesus comes back?  I hope so.