Wednesday, September 4, 2024



When I was about ten years old, I spent the night at my cousin’s house.  They had a new game called “Clue”.  Do you remember playing the game of “Clue” when you were young?  After careful strategies and suggestions, a player becomes confident that they have deduced the contents of the envelope.  They are ready to accuse, “Miss Scarlett with the lead pipe in the conservatory” of murdering Mr. Body.  The excitement is in opening the envelope to see if they have guessed correctly.  All too often, they have guessed wrong and must sit out the rest of the game as a “loser”.  Hey, have you ever made a guess in life that turned out to be wrong?  It might have been about the character of someone.  It may have been about a choice or about a decision.  Some decisions are petty and inconsequential, like whether to have strawberry jam or grape jelly on your breakfast toast.  But some decisions are important, like the person that you choose to marry.  But your greatest decision by far is to trust in Jesus Christ for your eternal life ... or to not. David said in Psalm 91:2, “I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.”  Place the care of your eternal soul into the hands of Almighty God.  You will never regret that decision because you will never be wrong.

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