Friday, September 6, 2024

A Picture


I remember years ago buying my son a bicycle at Walmart.  He picked it out and we told the clerk which one we wanted.  Then the clerk went in the back of the store and came back with a box … the entire bicycle was in a box!  It was just about then that I realized that I was in trouble.  We put the box into the trunk of our 1978 Chevelle and drove home.  My son was so excited, but I was so nervous.  And I had reason to be.  We got the frame and two wheels out of the big box, but there were three other smaller boxes inside.  In the first box, there were smaller boxes and plastic bags galore.  With each new revelation, my hopes sank.  I found the directions, and they were in English, but they were written by someone in China who had told their boss that they knew English.  Clearly, they did not.  They knew English words, but they couldn’t communicate in English.  The only saving part was the picture.  I understood the picture.  Hey, that’s the way it is in life.  God gave us directions in His book, but we just don’t seem to understand them.  But we do understand when we see the example of a committed Christian.  What a blessing they can be!  David said in Psalm 37:23, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.”  Are you following someone who is a good example?  Or are you being a good example?  Hey, don’t tell someone about God; show them about God.  Be a good picture of a Christian.  Think about it.

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