Monday, September 16, 2024

Fan Blade Witness


Our five-globe dining room light needed replacing, so we got a new one at Lowe’s.  But the new lighting fixture made the ones in the kitchen, living room, and foyer look tacky, so we had to replace them too.  Not my opinion, but the opinion of the other person living in our house.  So, when I was installing the new ceiling fan in the living room, Kathy selected the darker wood of the two-sided blades.  And since no one would see the top (lighter side) of the blades, I took the opportunity to write a witness on one of the blades (see photo).  I am 74 years old, and I will not change the ceiling fan again, so after I pass on, someone who gets my house and eventually changes the fan will see the hidden writing and may read those Bible verses and think.  That is my hope.  Hey, are you a witness to the goodness of God?  Do you give tracts to folk that you meet?  Are you fulfilling the Great Commission found in Matthew 28 and Mark 16?  If not, why not start today?!  Pick up some tracts at church and give them to others.  You may make a difference in someone’s eternal destiny.  Sounds exciting.

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