Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Bad Heart


I don’t like to get political or controversial, but an event in Georgia last week speaks to my point today, so I’ll stick my neck out anyway.  Regardless of where you stand on the gun issue, the shooting in Widner Georgia was tragic.  And it was tragic on both sides.  Four innocent people lost their lives, a fourteen-year-old young man will be in prison for the rest of his life, and a father is charged with second degree murder.  What a shame!  And the problem wasn’t the gun; the problem wasn’t bad decisions; the problem was a bad heart.  When people have an evil heart, they will do evil things.  Our pastor spoke on issues of the heart last Sunday night.  We hear “follow your heart” or “trust your heart” or “I just know my heart”, but the dear Lord tells a different story about the heart.  God said in Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”  The solution to the evil in the world is to surrender our evil hearts to the Lord, and let God give us new hearts.  Hey, God is in the reformation business!  And only the Lord can change you and make you into a new creature.

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