Sunday, September 8, 2024



Saturday morning, I went into the bank to cash a check.  On the way out, another customer was leaving at the same time.  So, as we both approached the door, I said, “After you,” with a flourish of my hand.  He said, “Thank you,” and went ahead of me.  But then he held the door for me, and then got the second door for me.  I quipped, “That was my evil plan to get you to hold the doors for me.”  And we both laughed.  Seriously, I was being kind, and he reciprocated.  One good deed prompts another.  And isn’t that what we should do?  Isn’t that The Golden Rule?  Paul said in Philippians 2:3, “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.”  Every day we make decisions that have interactions with other people.  We can choose to be kind, or we can choose to be selfish.  We can let the other driver in at the freeway ramp, or we can cut them off.  And in doing so, we can generate kindness or we can model rudeness.  Hey, be Christ-like today … in your interactions with family, co-workers, and even complete strangers.  After all, isn’t that what Jesus would do?

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