Thursday, April 27, 2023

Downy Woodpecker


I enjoy watching the birds in my back yard.  I have two hanging feeders and a wire suet holder.  The sunflower seed and suet cost me about $10 a month, but the little birds provide me hours of peaceful relaxation.  The Downy woodpeckers are especially interesting.  They hang all over the suet feeder and seem just as comfortable upside down as right side up.  They run up tree trunks just as easy as they run down.  That’s because of their curious feet.  The great Creator made them with two toes on the front of their feet and two toes on the back of their feet.  All other birds have three toes on the front and one toe on the back.  But the good Lord made the Downy woodpecker with two toes on the back so they could be just as comfortable upside down as not.  If all birds evolved, how did the Downy woodpecker’s three and one to configuration evolve into a two and two configuration?  Any scenario explaining how that third toe moved from the front of their foot to the back of their foot defies logic.  There is no way that evolution can explain it.  It’s just a God thing.  John said in his gospel, John 1:3, “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.”  Thank you, little Downy woodpecker, for your testimony to your awesome Creator.  And thank you, dear Lord for reminding me of your care for the Downy woodpecker AND for your care for me.  Hey, have you thanked your awesome Creator today?  Right now might be a good time.

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