Friday, November 24, 2023

Better or Not?


My wife is always cold and I am always hot.  No, really, always.  Summer or winter, always cold and always hot.  I try to turn the AC down, and my wife has to roll her wheelchair onto the back porch to warm up (in the 90° sun).  I feel like a heel, so I turn the AC up until she is comfortable (but I am hot).  So, I just bought a ceiling fan for the bedroom (she has been sleeping in the living room in the recliner).  So, finally, she is warm enough and I am cool enough (under the ceiling fan).  But the fan wobbles.  When I try to go to sleep, I hear this constant, monotonous wobble noise.  So, I got a clothes pin and clipped it on one of the four blades.  I observed the fan: was it better or not?  If not, I moved the clothes pin to the next blade.  Then I added another clothes pin to make the balancing point between two blades, always asking myself, was it better or not?  I moved one clothespin out on the blade, then the other, then further out (changing the center of gravity) and all the time asking, was it better or not?  After an hour and 30 adjustments, the new ceiling fan is perfectly balanced with no noticeable wobble.  I am either a genius or obsessive/compulsive (and we both know which one is true).  Hey, how about your life?  When you skip church a few weeks, is your life better or not?  If you keep your kids home from Sunday school, are they better or not?  When the Ten Commandments say to be faithful to your wife, not to lie, not to covet, not to steal … and you do, are you better or not?  Hey, the good Lord isn’t trying to keep you from having fun, He is trying to protect you from yourself!  God doesn’t want your life to wobble!  God wants you to be able to sleep well at night.  So, do you stay awake at night worrying about your life?  Then give it up to Jesus!  Do things God’s way, and you’ll be better!  Proverbs 3:5&6, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

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