Monday, August 26, 2024



Kathy and I have enjoyed two days and three nights in Panama City Beach, Florida.  Thank you, Sherri and Troy Cole, for your kindness!  I walked the beach each morning looking for whatever the waves offered up, usually small seashells, iridescent fish scales, and bits of sea glass (broken pieces of glass tumbled smooth by the sea and waves).  But I picked up an unusual shell that was uncommonly flat on the convex side.  After I washed it off in the water, I discovered that it was a plastic bottle lid!  How disappointing!  Have you ever been surprisingly disappointed?  I have.  Hey, can I offer you a bit of advice?  Satan will always lie and always disappoint you, but the dear Lord will always be truthful and never disappoint you.  What a truthful statement that you can depend upon!  Nahum 1:7, “The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”

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