Saturday, August 31, 2024

Old Cotton Tee Shirt


My wife said that my tee shirt is getting too threadbare and must go.  But from my standpoint, it’s just getting soft and comfortably worn in.  And she has jeans with holes in them that she bought that way.  And she has a blouse that is made with the seams on the outside with a big hole in the collar made that way … just like my old tee shirt.  And furthermore, my tee shirt is an antique: it is vintage Blood Assurance.  The sad part is that I am taking blood thinners and disqualified from donating blood, so I won’t be able to get any more Blood Assurance tee shirts.  I only have two left (because I used all of the other ones to make a rag rug).  And besides, the hole in the collar is up under my beard where no one can see it (or know it) … except for me and my wife (who folds my worn-out tee shirt from the dryer).  Seriously, she has only my best interest at heart.  My wife wants me to stay well-dressed.  And Paul reminds me in Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.”  And Jesus has set the bar pretty high.  So, I think that I’ll take Paul’s advice and listen to my wife.  Anyone need a cotton rag?

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