Tuesday, August 27, 2024



In 1993, I was shipping 40’ sea containers to Romania with Scriptures and relief supplies to pastors and churches.  I visited several Bible colleges to recruit students for a short-term mission trip in the summer to distribute the Scriptures.  I was given the name of a travel agent in Hoover, Alabama near Birmingham.  Since we had 38 people going, the agent assured me that she could provide tickets for $850 round-trip from any location in the US with everyone meeting in Atlanta and flying out of there.  I contacted each person and got their names, passport numbers, contact information, and the name of the nearest airport.  I forwarded the list to the agent early in the winter … plenty of time for her to book the flights.  But as time wore on and no tickets, I became anxious.  I kept calling her with no results.  Finally, I called the owner of the agency, but she knew nothing about our trip.  Now it was time to panic.  I explained to the owner of the travel agency that it was too late for me to find another agent.  The owner said that the agent was out of town on a cruise to Alaska.  She told me when the agent would be back in the office.  I left early and arrived in Hoover waiting for the office to open.  When I told the secretary who I was and who I wanted to see, the cover-up began.  She said that the agent wasn’t in the office, so I said that I would wait (they had no idea how stubborn I could be).  I went to lunch and came right back.  The owner invited me into her office and explained that she didn’t think that they could help me.  I said, “Your agent gave me the price, assured me that she could get the tickets, and I’m counting on her.  I have no choice.  I’ll wait and speak to her in person.”  The office closed at six, and I told the secretary that I would be back in the morning.  I bought some clothes at Walmart and spent the night at a motel.  I was waiting in the parking lot for the office to open the next morning.  The owner of the agency ushered me into her office and said that they would honor their commitment (I already knew that).  She said, “We’ll send you the tickets in the mail.”  I replied, “I was told that by your agent several times.  I’ll wait right here until I have 38 tickets in my hand.  I have a check here for $32,300.”  And with that, I handed her the check.  She was speechless.  I spent the rest of the day in the waiting room, but by six that evening, I left with 38 tickets in my hand.  Hey, Jesus told the parable of an unjust judge and a persistent woman.  She needed relief and pestered the judge until she got help.  Jesus made the application and said in Luke 18:7, “And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?”  Hey, do you have a need?  Pray to your loving heavenly Father about it … and don’t give up.  Be persistent, like the widow in Luke 18.  And be ready, because God will answer your prayer.  Yes, He will!

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